This letter is from Anuoluwapo, chosen by the will of God to be a harbinger of the love of the Father to you.
I used to beef the proverbs 31 woman. I didn’t like her at all. I’m a Sunday teacher and for Mother’s Day our memory verse scripture is Proverbs 31 for Mothers, so believe me, I knew what that scripture had to say like the back of my hand.
But I’m always angry when I see someone’s status and they write proverbs 31 woman. I’m like wahala for who no be proverbs 31 woman. (What’s my own shebi it’s their proverbs 31).
The truth is, I actually was intimidated by the idea. I was intimidated by who she was and what she was. I always felt like I didn’t measure up. Now proverbs 31 woman is up there doing her thing and I’m just hating.
One of the things that held me back when I wanted to fully follow God was intimidation. I was intimidated by the idea of being a strong Christian. I had seen Christians and I’m like “these guys are so into this God thing, I doubt I’ll ever be able to do it.” I didn’t believe I could make it as a believer and not fail. (I don’t believe this anymore, because unto him that is able to keep me from falling and present me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy - Jude 1:24)
Listen, God had you in mind when he sent his son to die for you.
That life in Christ that seems like a big deal requires you to only lean in.
Recently I read this scripture and I had the biggest light bulb moment.
“For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.”
II Timothy 1:12 NKJV
God is able to preserve you by his own power!!!!
Just maybe your thoughts are preoccupied with fear that you might slip back into sin.
Today is to tell you to REST! ZUKWANIKE!!!
Your salvation was not your doing so you cannot undo it!
Your salvation is 100% God!!!! Your only job was to believe!!!! Jesus went to the cross and paid the price so you don’t have to.
Jesus became our substitute. You’re not trying to please God, you’re already pleasing to God through Christ. Your life in Christ is not your works!
Your confidence is in your faith in Christ. Read this again, your confidence is in your faith in Christ. The Bible says that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation and the Bible talks about the inheritance we received.
For every time you feel intimidated by the supposed picture of what you’re supposed to look like, remember that your only job is to believe. Your confidence is in who you belong to.
So now, I tell God, I can do this proverbs 31 thing because it’s God’s ability in me. It’s a consciousness to have. I’m not trying to do anything, it is God that is working in and through me.
This is why we rejoice at the birth of Jesus because it chattered the course for the best thing that happened to humanity. If he wasn’t born, then he couldn’t die, and if he didn’t die he wouldn’t have resurrected and if he didn’t resurrect then we would have been without hope.
But thanks be to our God!!!! That Jesus was born, he died and was resurrected.
Stop trying to do it all by yourself in your Christian walk. That’s pride. Leave your walk to God. The realization of who you are in scriptures should make you jump for Joy and even when it feels logically impossible, put your confidence back in him.
If scripture say you’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, it means I’m not trying to be righteous. If scriptures say I’m holy then I’m not trying to do it by my works. If scripture says I am now a new creature and not without sin, then it means that I am!!!!!! I died in Christ and I am risen with him! It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me.
So now, you have power over sin, death, sickness, fear, condemnation, addiction, shame, poverty, and every curse of the law.
My prayer for you this Christmas is that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened that you may know the hope to which God has called you. You know the riches of God’s great inheritance in the saints and that you understand the greatness of God’s mighty towards you that believes.
Merry Christmas ❤
May the lord constantly remind you of who you are to him and how he sees you, and may you remain in fellowship with your source now and forever Amen.
Merry Christmas 🎄