What are you doing ?
Now let me tell you a story. I didn’t believe I could speak in tongues. I thought it was reserved for a select few and “not everyone had the gift of speaking in tongues” in Paul’s words “How different we know him now” 2nd Corinthians 5:16b
I was content with never speaking in tongues and just living my life. Then I came across a POST.
In that Instagram post, the writer spoke about how your faith could help you with anything. So the first step to thinking I could speak in tongues was to actually speak in tongues. I wasn’t able to speak in tongues till months later but I had faith that I could and kept telling God to open my mouth.
At this point I didn’t really have anyone telling me how spiritual things worked. I sort of made due with whatever I came across which was sometimes just only my Bible.
Now I say this to say people need help and are desperately waiting to be helped. Everything about them is screaming “help me” you might not know but today’s post is to tell you to “JUST DO IT”.
Make that post, write that sermon, call that friend, write that book, post that video and just help someone’s faith.
““No one would think of lighting a lamp and then hiding it in the basement where no one would benefit. A lamp belongs on a lampstand, where all who enter may see its light.”
Luke 11:33 TPT
We’re so vocal about putting ourselves out there in this generation. No one hides good things. You get married you want to talk about it, you get good grades you want people to know, you want people to hear about your achievements but have you spoken to someone about God?
That’s the best thing to ever happen to you. Light is a good thing and you don’t hide it. The gospel is light, the word of God is light and you can’t hide, well you shouldn’t even hide it.
Think about when you just believed.
The Bible admonishes us to build ourselves up and encouraging one another in righteousness. Hebrews 10:25
So what is God placing in your heart to share with your world ? Just do it!! It doesn’t have to extravagant it could be a text or a call.
We are led by the spirit of God. So our actions are led. You act in a manner becoming of your spirit man.
I’m rooting for you ❤️❤️❤️