The first time I heard God speak I had to be really focused. I wanted to hear a loud voice. Based on a friend’s advice, I started by asking the Holy Spirit what verse of the Bible he wanted me to read during my devotion. I tried it a couple of times, after a while it just stopped. I didn’t hear God again. I was momentarily frustrated. I was encouraged to keep at it and I kept trusting and being attentive.
Hearing God is a process, it requires time, practice, and consistency. I imagine the long hours I’ve spent on calls and texts with friends and loved ones and the depth that attention has brought to my relationships. It’s the same with God, constant fellowship opens your spiritual senses to hear. God is always speaking.
How does God speak?
The HolySpirit is God’s best gift to humanity. It is the spirit that communicates with our spirit. Hearing the Holy Spirit seems really hard in the beginning but once you hack it, its the easiest. I used to not pay attention to it, because it was my thoughts, why should i listen to my “instinct” but here’s where discernment comes in. I was going to church one day and didn’t know how to pack my hair, I stood in the mirror and suddenly the inspiration came it feels minute but I know how hard these things are for me. The HolySpirit taught me how to do it.
Pro tip: Start by being still. It gets difficult if you want to start hearing God in the rush of the world. Start from your secret place.
The Bible is God’s written word. Its beyond sentences and paragraphs. Its life that will transform your life. Do you have those ah moments something like:
You’ve been reading that verse for like forever but it jumps at you today and suddenly there’s a different meaning, or its answering questions you’ve been having. Yes thats it. The word of God is God also speaking to you.
In the multitude of counsel, there is safety. God speaks through counsel and through other people. I have gotten so many instructions and prophecies and comfort words from people that didn’t even know God was using them to speak to me. I once had a conversation with my friend that I used to preach in an impromptu sermon in church. Imagine we didn’t talk about it. Sometimes a text could be what you need in that season.
Pray for discernment. You need to be able to discern the voice of God.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27 NLT
Tell God you really want to hear him.
Close your eyes for a minute and try to hear the voice of your father, for the next five minute, whatever comes to mind or whatever you picture, just write it down. If you have nothing, that's also fine, try it again.
He wants to bare his heart to you and he wants you to hear and speak back to him. God has so much to tell you! He’s excited about all the things he has to say to you and he wants you to hear him.
I love you 🙏