This letter is from Anuoluwapo, chosen by the will of God to be a harbinger of the love of the father to you.
I had something else to share with you today, but as I was editing it, I felt the lead to share this.
I get very anxious, high-level anxiety, exam periods were my worst brought out the worst form of anxiety. I don’t have exams to write now but with adulthood everyday feels like exam, if you know what I’m saying.
My anxiety came from a place of fear, and worry. I like to describes myself as a “21st century independent woman” but the problem with the 21st century independent woman is that she relies wholly on herself so now I’m “fully dependent on God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost”
Recently I experienced a level of peace I’ve never felt before. I can’t describe it, it felt like I was floating. I’ll wake up every day with joy, ready to take over the world.(Literally)
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
Isaiah 26:3 NLT
What are your thoughts fixed on? What are you setting your gaze at? Once you stop looking at God there will be an issue.
I know there are thoughts, questions, hesitations etc on your mind. Rest in God. You need to rest in God. Take time to be intentional about offloading. Choose to let God. The God of the universe knows your name why should you be worried?
In this season, I want you to REST. Rest in the father and in his ability to carry you.
“And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].”
Philippians 4:7 AMP
This is my prayer for you.
May the lord constantly remind you of who you are to him and how he sees you, and may you remain in fellowship with your source now and forever Amen.